Piopio Retirement Village update and invite
Most of you are probably aware that Piopio has a retirement Village complex at 5 Kaka Street. At present there are 10 units soon to be 11.
The Piopio Retirement Trust owns the land and seven units (5 one-bedroom and 2 two-bedroom), and there are three units which are owned by the occupiers. A fourth unit is soon to be built and owned by the occupier. All units are currently full.
The land was originally donated by the Boddie family and what you see today is a result of a huge amount of volunteer work and machinery provided by many local people over a long period of time and up to the present.
The tenants in the units owned by the Trust pay a weekly rental, and the owner occupied units pay a right to occupy fee, as they own the building but not the land.
The complex is administered by a group of trustees who do a magnificent job. I am president (have been for quite a few years), Jenny Brodie is treasurer, and had been secretary/treasurer for an extremely long period of time, before Liz Morgan took over the secretary’s position. Other present trustees are Ross Smith who is vice president, Debbie McFarlane (property), Wendy Weinberg, Phil Brodie, Ken Perry, Stuart Darke, Andrew Downey, Chris Young (property), and Mona Bidois.
The complex is run on a volunteer basis mainly by the trustees and, broadly speaking, the only paid services are for lawn mowing, and services e.g. plumber, builder, electrician, accountant etc. We are fortunate to have tenants who take great pride in the appearance of the village and willingly help with gardening and other maintenance jobs, ably led by Chris and Des Young.
I think this complex is a great asset for Piopio. If you would like to be involved in this community asset in any way, please contact me or any of the other trustees.
Gavin Todd
President, Piopio Retirement Trust