Piopio Primary PTA's Wild Critter Day
ON SUNDAY, September 15 Piopio Primary School was a hive of activity for the Wild Critters Day. This is the main fundraiser this year for the PTA. Planning began several months ago with sponsors being found and getting the word out to the community.
Leading up to the event the weather had been very wet,so hunting was opened a day early. Luckily the sun shone for the weigh-in. There were a lot of activities for the children to take part in, including a lolly scramble through hay, ring toss onto a set of antlers, a photo booth, and the always popular carry-the-pig race. The Lions caravan provided yummy hot dogs, chips and steak sandwiches. The cold drinks and juices were enjoyed by all. The cake stall with beautiful home baking was a popular space to be. It was great to see so many sitting around catching up and enjoying some lunch.
The weigh-in tent was one of the busiest areas. There were many turkeys, possums, hares, and goat heads entered. Winners received bags of goodies including t-shirts, bags hats and drink bottles. There were some excited children receiving their prizes, from preschool to college students. This year for the first time the overall winner was presented with the Harvey Briggs Memorial Championtrophy. The trophy was presented to the winner by Harvey’s brothers, Carter, Fenton, and Riley.
The PTA were very thankful to the sponsors who donated a wide range of items that were used in the prizes, raffles, and the auction. The final total raised is approximately $5000. Piopio Primary are very fortunate to have such a dedicated, hardworking PTA. They provide lots of extras for the school.
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